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HealthspanMD Patients Achieve Their Vision of Health and Productivity with Science-Backed Solutions

Take the first step toward a healthier, more vibrant life with a complimentary consultation.

  • Share your health goals and concerns.

  • Discover how our science-backed programs can help you add vibrant, healthy years.

  • Get answers to your questions about our approach.

  • Schedule your first appointment if it’s the right fit.

Make a Smart Investment.

HealthspanMD patients see real results in their energy, strength, and overall vitality. We’re excited to learn more about your health goals and show you how we can help.

“It gave me insight into what’s really going on. I am concerned about heart disease because it runs in my family...What’s been incredible is that my LDL got cut in half, my HDL went up by 20 points, and my blood pressure is 25 points lower—all without medications... The numbers say that I’ve lost 20 pounds of fat, and I didn’t even know I had that much to lose! I went from a 36 to a 32 waist” 

Mr. David Robinson 

"I was not prepared for the quality of experience I had in your office... Everyone was so friendly, knowledgeable, caring, and extremely thorough. You helped me to understand that coronary calcium scores are a record of the past, not necessarily of the future... By doing the right things to make that happen... you can have substantial improvements in future health outlooks if you'll make lifestyle changes that are permanent or long lasting." 

Anonymous, PhD Physicist at an Academic Institution

"I used to be a really healthy person, but with the passing of time I felt myself being very fatigued, had a hard time walking up the stairs, walking across the parking lot... It’s intimidating to go to a new healthcare practitioner... but I felt that you immediately had a few different approaches... It wasn’t, ‘Here’s your prescription and see you later.’ It was, ‘Let’s look for the opportunities to change your health’...I would encourage anyone to come to see you."

Mrs. Patricia Nelson

"Managing my atrial fibrillation with the support of my provider has made a huge difference in my life and my heart health...Incorporating more physical activity into my daily routine has transformed my stamina and given me back my breath...The support from my Healthspan Coach has kept me motivated and focused—I’ve lost over 40 pounds and continue to feel stronger every day." 

Mr. Hirsh

"I feel good about myself, have more energy, and it’s not a burden anymore—it’s exciting. "I don’t get angry or frustrated like I used to. Now, I just take things with a grain of salt...I’ve gotten rid of one of the blood pressure medications and two prescriptions for digestion. Now I’m only on two blood pressure medications, and my readings are better than ever—usually around 115. The other day, my blood pressure was as low as 96!...It’s like my body is mine again. I’m not working on someone else’s time or under the influence of medications just to get through the day." 

Mr. Keck

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